Are you looking for the best ways to use popups on your eCommerce site?
Well, you are in the right place!
In this article, I am going to walk you through every aspect of website popups and how you can leverage it to improve your online sales.
Ready? Let’s get started.
What are Popups in eCommerce?
Popup is a form of online promotion on websites. It is not like other forms of online advertising in which you have to pay to display your ads on other websites.
It is free and it is up to you how you use it and what you want to promote.
As the name suggests, the popup is a small window that appears suddenly over web pages on a site. It is used to grab the attention of website visitors and drive them toward conversions.
If pop-ups are used strategically and keep the user experience into consideration, they can serve various functions for eCommerce sites ranging from email list building to promoting relevant offers to the users.
Popups can boost user engagement or drive them away from your site; it all depends on how you use it.
Now, before we dive deeper into how to use popups in the right way, let’s see what types of popups can be used on your site.
Types of Ecommerce Popups
Unlike the early days of the Web, nowadays, you can create multiple types of popups based on user interactions on your site.
Mainly, there are 4 types of popups that you can create on your site –
1. Entry Popups
Entry popups appear as soon as you open a webpage. They usually block the content of the web page unless the visitor has engaged with the popup. This might prove a little bit dangerous if you do not know how to leverage the entry popup.
You can run an exclusive discount on the lead form providing a certain percentage of discount for providing their contact information. You can implement an entry popup when the visitor tries to look at the price of your product and then play the discount card.
You can also add a specific time limit to avail the discount to catalyze the process of an action.
2. Exit Popups
You could use exit popups as a tracking device to check if your visitor is bouncing or planning a purchase. Exit popups track the motion of your mouse to measure the time spent on the webpage and in case the visitor bounces, a pop-up with a CTA encourages a conversion.
It is advisable to place your exit popups on product pages or blogs to maximize maximum lead generation. You can use different popups for every page but make sure that you are not spamming your visitors.
3. Click Popups
These popups work when your visitor clicks on a specific word, image, or link. This is an action-related popup and is least intrusive in nature. You could place the click pop-up in the blog section and promote any of your products.
When the customer clicks on the product name a form could pop up talking about the details of the product and low-key capture the contact information of the customer.
4. Timed Popups
They appear on the screen after a customer has spent some time on the website. Being the owner of the website, you can choose how much time or after how many pages are visited you want to display the popup.
Advantages of Popups in Ecommerce
The idea of using popups might seem slightly confusing in the beginning, but that is why we are here. Despite all the complications that are related to pop up on websites, they will benefit your eCommerce business beyond your imagination.
According to Sumo, the average conversion that comes from popups is 3.09% whereas your top-performing popup can give you around 10% conversion. You need to create a strategy that targets the right customers at the right time.
The best part about using popups is that they do not cost you anything. If you are wondering what benefits you can reap from popups, here goes the list:
1. Product Awareness
Being subtle and in calm water will not help you gain customers in cut-throat competition as today. To capture the attention of the relevant people for your band you need to “popup”.
You should always leverage the curiosity of the customers and you can do so by setting up innovative and creative popups of your product on your website along with various offers.
2. Grow your email list
You can build your database by collecting your visitors’ contact details in exchange for lucrative offers. Email marketing has an 80% positive impact on generating leads. Customers now have a small attention span and they do not wish to spend big bucks on the first visit. So why not bank upon the email addresses today and even later for re-marketing purposes!
3. Improve conversion rate
You can target your customers with an exit popup when they are about to abandon the page. Imagine a visitor is about to exit the page without making a final purchase and your popup comes offering discounts on subscription and purchase, free shipping, or even referral discount.
The Call-to-Action button on the popup would help the visitor by taking them to the page where their offer is applicable. This is a clinical save and conversion of a lost lead into a paying customer.
5 Ecommerce Popup Ideas & Strategies
Popups can be used to create CTA, urgency, and can help you convert bouncing visitors into paying customers. If you wish to create unique and attractive popups, you can consider trying Justuno.
They allow you to design and customize popups at a simple click to increase your E-Commerce sales through the website.
Let us now go through a few strategies as to how you can benefit from popups while you also generate leads and increase engagement:
1. Display personalized Popups
People love personalized responses from brands. It makes them feel that the brand cares about their customer’s preferences.
Why use bland and simple popups when you can customize and personalize them? You can do this either by getting their contact from before or through a referral source. You can use the referrer detection technology to look out for a specific domain from where a visitor is coming. Your social media channel can also help you customize your audience.
For example, if your audience is coming from Pinterest, you could incorporate an exit popup putting up an offer about your product. All you need to do is apply your instincts about your customers as to what they might be looking for.
2. Overcome objections
This is one of the best hacks when it comes to utilizing popups for eCommerce sites. There could be a possibility that a customer is not buying a product due to a certain objection. If you get through with the objection, you can make a sale.
Most of the customers worry about gratification after buying the product which is also the easiest to resolve. You can resolve it by providing a “money-back guarantee” after a certain period of time.
3. Offer a discount
Nothing captures more attention than a discount. You can kill two birds with one stone by providing a discount coupon code on the exit popup. First, you can capture the visitor’s email address even if they buy a product to re-market your product, and second, you can convince a buyer to buy a product who has been dicey about the purchase.
4. Offer free shipping
A lot of customers do not complete a purchase when they see the shipping rate. So, if you are seeing a lot of drop-offs from the payment page, you can convert a visitor into a paying customer by providing them with a free shipping coupon. To make it easier for them, attach a link to the product they were viewing with an instant coupon application.
5. Make your product look scarce
Nobody wants to miss a product they wish to purchase. Showing your product as scarce on the website can create a sense of urgency amongst the visitors. Can you imagine the impact of this exit popup when a customer is about to abandon their cart? It creates an impact on the psychology of the buyer and makes them take an action that results in a sale.
Wrapping Up
So, now you know how to leverage website popups to improve your website conversion and generate more sales. But remember one mantra while creating a strategy for the same – create popups to help your visitors achieve their target, not yours!
Do you use website popups on your eCommerce store? What has been the most effective strategy for you to boost sales?